Posted: November 12, 2014
Your Student Information System (SIS) working efficiently with your Financial Aid Management System is one of the key components to ensuring that you are staying compliant with the Department of Education in all aspects, including changes to NSLDS enrollment reporting. New requirements that went into effect on October 1st, 2014 require schools to report enrollment records under a new format brought about by the recently enacted 150% Direct Loan Subsidized Loan limits. A stern warning was issued this past April via a “Dear Colleague” letter stating that “failure to begin reporting under the new enrollment file layouts by October 1, 2014 will likely result in the school’s enrollment records being rejected by NSLDS and the school being out of compliance with the regulatory requirements and possibly subject to sanctions.”
Working with our clients, we understand that due to a variety of factors including a vast amount of different software platforms and the new formatting requirement set by the DOE, many schools have had difficulty meeting this strict deadline. Systems can often have trouble relaying information to one another and may need to be re-coded in order to meet the new demands. Don’t end up as a school with potential sanctions levied against you — have one of our qualified consultants assist you in ensuring info such as CIP Codes, Enrollment Status, Program Credential Level and Published Program Length requirements are set up appropriately within your systems.