HEAG is a financial aid and higher education consulting firm that since 1989 has provided comprehensive college financial aid consulting support to private, public, and proprietary institutions of higher education. With over 30 years of experience, we at HEAG have a proven track record of satisfied school clients.
Private/Public Institutions
Anna Maria College
Assumption College
Atlantic Union College
Babson College
Bay State College
Becker College
Berklee College of Music
Bethune-Cookman University
Bexley Seabury Seminary
Biblical Seminary
Bloomfield College
Boston Architectural College
Boston Conservatory
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Boston University
Buena Vista University
Cambridge College
Catawba College
Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science
Chestnut Hill College
Claremont Lincoln University
Clark University
Concordia University
Dean College
Endicott College
Episcopal Divinity School
Fairfield University
Fisher College
Granite State College
Grinnell College
Hebrew Theological College
Hult International Business School
Keene State College
Laboure College
Lawrence Memorial/Regis College
Lesley University
Lindenwood University
Longy School of Music of Bard College
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Marian University
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Medaille College
Meridian University
Merrimack College
Metropolitan State University of Denver
MGH Institute of Health
Mid-State College
Midwest University
Montserrat College of Art
Mount Ida College
New England Institute of Technology
New England School of Acupuncture
Newbury College
Nichols College
North Bennet Street School
Northeastern University
Northern Vermont University
Olin College of Engineering
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Piedmont College
Pine Manor College
Presbyterian College
Quincy College
Regis College
Rhodes College
Rowan College at Burlington County
Sacred Heart University
Salve Regina University
Simmons College
Sisseton Wahpeton College
Smith College
Smith College for Social Work
South Texas College of Law
Southern Methodist University
Spring Hill College
Stetson University
Stetson University College of Law
Suffolk Law School
The New School
Touro College & University System
Trinity College
Tufts University
University of Massachusetts Boston
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Vermont Law School
Victoria College
Virginia Union University
Virterbo University
Wellesley College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wheaton College (IL)
Wheelock College
Woffard College
Community Colleges
Bergen Community College
Berkshire Community College
Bunker Hill Community College
Corning Community College
Eastern Gateway Community College
Finger Lakes Community College
Holyoke Community College
Massasoit Community College
Middlesex Community College
Mount Wachusett Community College
Nashua Community College
New Hampshire Community Technical College System
North Shore Community College
Northern Essex Community College
Onondaga Community College
Quinsigamond Community College
Roxbury Community College
Springfield Technical Community College
Proprietary Schools/Other
Center for Ultrasounds Research & Education (CURE)
Cincinnati School of Mortuary Science
College Coach/Bright Horizons
Computer Systems Institute
Diman Regional High School
Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and Massage Therapy
Glen Urquhart School
Gordon School
Hands on Medical Massage School
New England College of Business and Finance
New England School of Photography
Radiological Technologies University
St. Joseph School of Nursing (NH)
St. Joseph School of Nursing (RI)
Stone Academy
Sullivan University
TUI University
Ultimate Medical Academy