HEAG Events


Financial Aid Communications: Student and Inter-Departmental Outreach Techniques During the Enrollment Life-Cycle

In this recorded webinar, the Higher Education Assistance Group and Jenzabar discuss the formal and informal Financial Aid opportunities for student outreach and how to effectively collaborate with colleagues.

The following topics are discussed during the webinar:

Admissions and Financial Aid

  • Working Together
  • Collaborative Student Communications and Use of Technology

Registrar and Financial Aid

  • SAP Touchpoints
  • Withdrawal and Graduation Touchpoints
  • Collaborative Student Communications and Use of Technology

Student Accounts and Financial Aid

  • Disbursement Touchpoints 
  • R2T4 Touchpoints 
  • Collaborative Student Communications and Use of Technology

Watch the recorded webinar



Download the Webinar PowerPoint

Click Here to View the Webinar Recording

When the Axis Shifts: Academic Calendar Changes and the Impact on Financial Aid

COVID-19 has brought many changes to college campuses – remote instruction; hybrid classes; masks on campus; new rules for dorms, dining halls and sports; and changes to the academic calendar. While the majority of changes required a large undertaking by multiple campus departments, the changes to the academic calendar create a number of challenges for those working in financial aid. Colleges must continue to deliver academic programs, but the impact of how these programs are delivered have far-reaching consequences for both students and schools. HEAG Financial Aid consultant Dr. Samuel Chuks will provide an informative session on academic calendars and their impact on financial aid at our live webinar on October 28, 2020 at 1 pm EST. 


  • Get an overview of the various types of academic calendars and learn the difference between standard, non-standard and non-term academic calendars.
  • Identify and explore real-world changes to the number of weeks and credits in academic calendars, including mixed academic calendars and the treatment of mini-sessions/ modules.
  • Learn the impact of academic calendar changes on award periods, progress evaluation points and disbursement eligibility.
  • Get tips to manage technology requirements, including the changes to consider for Student Information Systems.
  • Learn what information from other campus departments (i.e., Registrar, Faculty) is critical to know and the timeliness with which you need it.



Webinar: Remote Delivery of Student Financial Aid Services: 5 Lessons Learned From COVID-19 

Occured 1 pm EST on July 15, 2020  (Video Link Available Here – Requires Registration)

COVID-19 has significantly impacted the campus environment for students and staff, including how daily Financial Aid business is conducted. From technology gaps, effective communication and maintaining the school’s identity, to motivating and keeping staff accountable, we’ve all learned a lot. What are the most important lessons learned, how can we be more effective while maintaining compliance and how do we safely return to campus? Register for our July 15 webinar and get insight from HEAG Financial Aid consultants Rhonda Smith and Michael Campbell about how to:

  • Manage and motivate remote staff
  • Address technology gaps
  • Effectively communicate
  • Maintain and preserve the college brand
  • Safely return to campus
Remote dliever of student financial aid services webinar.

If you were not able to attend the live session or want to go back and hear it again, a link to the webinar is available.

Below are the sources HEAG utilized to prepare the material for the webinar. These resources will be beneficial to anyone dealing with the challenges of managing staff remotely.

Managing and Motivating Staff Remotely:







Effective Communication:



Technology Gaps:




Managing the College Brand:



Safely Returning to Campus:

