February 29 – March 4, 2016
We share industry news and stories on Twitter throughout the week at @HEAG_INC. Here is a recap of last week’s tweets.
@HEAG_INC Feb 29th, 2016
#SuperTuesday is a day away, read about the stance each remaining candidate has made on #highered issues.
@HEAG_INC Mar 1st, 2016
“Use of Professional Judgment for Prior-Prior Year Income” on @LinkedIn
@HEAG_INC Mar 1st, 2016
Cohort default rate info for FY 2013 has been released, check your SAIG mailbox now.
@HEAG_INC Mar 2nd, 2016
#FRAUDALERT Be wary of students committing perjury & attempting to receive #financialaid based off of sham marriages
@HEAG_INC Mar 4th, 2016
This #LATimes article explains the hardships families are feeling with the new #FAFSA security during completion.