October 4 – 10, 2015
We share industry news and stories on Twitter throughout the week at @HEAG_INC. Here is a recap of last week’s tweets.
Defense Department Puts U of Phoenix on Probation | Inside Higher Edhttp://bit.ly/1Nu7Kp0
Computer glitch causing financial aid crisis at Tacoma collegehttp://www.komonews.com/news/local/Computer-upgrade-causes-financial-aid-crisis-at-TCC-331172901.html … via @komonews
HEAG, Inc Retweeted
Five things colleges should know about the new secretary of education:http://chroni.cl/1M9VnwK
College Rankings Fail to Measure the Influence of the Institution http://nyti.ms/1PQVLze
We share news related to higher education and financial aid on Twitter @HEAG_INC. Here are last week’s tweets: https://heag.us/node/218