Posted Date: December 20, 2012
Author: William Leith, Service Director, Program Management, Federal Student Aid
Subject: REMINDER – Keep School Contact Information Current in COD System
We remind schools and third party servicers that contact information in the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System must be kept current. Contact information is extremely important for us to be able to reach the right people at the school, particularly about program-specific issues. The e-mail addresses for the President, Financial Aid Administrator, Pell Grant Financial Aid Officer, and Direct Loan Financial Aid Officer are used to deliver time-sensitive materials and critical COD processing information to the school.
Having current contact information for the Pell Grant Financial Aid Officer and Direct Loan Financial Aid Officer is most critical for a school that is an additional location to a main campus. The information allows us to contact those officers directly at the additional location rather than needing to contact the main campus.
Submitting Updates to School Contact Information
Changes to the Direct Loan Financial Aid Officer and the Pell Grant Financial Aid Officer contact information can only be made via the COD Web site by the COD Security Administrator (School User Level 5). To view and/or update the current contact information for these officers, complete the following steps:
Log in to the COD Web site.
From the School tab, select the “Financial Aid Contact” link (located under the School Information menu). The School Financial Aid Contact Information screen displays the current information for the school.
Update or add new contact information by clicking on the “Update” or “Add New” button in the heading for the officer to be updated.
Complete the new information and submit the changes, which will be processed and updated immediately on the COD Web site.
Changes to other school information cannot be made via the COD Web site and must be…