Lititia Cooley, known to her colleagues as “Tia”, has been working in financial aid for over 20 years. She was introduced to the world of financial aid after attending an information session while temping at Chubb Computers Service. Right away she knew financial aid would be a good fit for her and shortly after, she started her career as a Financial Aid Administrator for The Chubb Institute.
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Tia is very knowledgeable in financial aid regulations, compliance, and various financial aid software systems such as CampusVue/CampusNexus, PeopleSoft, Banner, and PowerFAIDS. She believes that doing it right the first time minimizes errors, fosters a productive environment, and leads to successful compliance audits. Her ability to train and manage Title IV funds once lead her to have her home base campus dubbed, “the training hub.” As a consultant, she enjoys being able to use her knowledge and experience to be of service and support anywhere!