Karen Gomez is a higher education professional with over 10 years of Financial Aid experience. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Kean University and a master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs from Seton Hall University. Throughout her career, she has served as a Financial Aid Counselor, Assistant Director of Financial Aid, and most currently the Associate Director of Student Financial Services.
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She has enjoyed working in student financial aid for many years in both two-year and four-year public and private institutions. She has extensive knowledge of Title IV regulations and administration. She is familiar with several financial aid and enrollment management software systems, including Ellucian Banner, CampusVUE, Cognos Reports, ELM, VAONCE Veteran Educational Benefit software, and the U.S. Department of Education’s suite of applications such as COD, NSLDS, CPS. She has the capability to build the new year budgets, review financial aid processing rules in Banner and Colleague to allow for improved practices and efficiency. She has served in Professional Judgement and Merit-based Scholarship committees.
Karen is comfortable leading and training a team, creating, and providing financial aid literacy presentations. Her responsibilities have included maintaining and creating policies and procedures, overseeing the administration of all Title IV Aid to include Direct Loans, Pell Grant, and FWS. She also has experience managing the HPSL (Health Professions Student Loan) and Study Abroad programs, as well as performing R2T4, and certifying private loans via ELM or OpenNet. Her experience is mainly with private non-profit graduate institutions such as Medical and Law schools; and has knowledge with both quarter-term and non-term borrow based academic years.