DeJanae’ (known by her peers and students as DeJa), began her career in Financial Aid two years after graduating from Jackson State University. She was quickly promoted to a leadership role within the for-profit organization because of her superior customer service skills and dedication to learning. Her instant success in the field encouraged her to continue her education. Following her graduation from Belhaven University, DeJa obtained a master’s degree in public administration, focusing on public laws and policies in the public sector.
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Throughout her career in financial aid, DeJa has held titles such as Senior Financial Aid Officer, Student Finance Manager and Financial Aid Supervisor and has become an expert at ED Rules & Regulations/compliance, Campus Vue, COD, NSLDS, CPS, Title IV programs, and Clock-hour programs. She is a native of Birmingham, Alabama, and a mother of two little girls. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, exercising, and spending quality time with her family.