Does your College offer Certificate Programs? Clock Hour Programs? Credit Hour, Non-term Programs? Are you compliant in your administration of these programs? Do you ever wish they would just fade away?
Unfortunately, that won’t happen in the foreseeable future.
In President Obama’s January 2014 “State of the Union” address, he referred to an initiative that would “train Americans with the skills employer need, and match them to good jobs that need to be filled right now”. “Right Now” is interpreted by colleges as nontraditional or short term, skills focused programs.
For FA Administrators, this means understanding how to package, award and disburse aid to students enrolled in these nontraditional programs.
Karyn Wright-Moore presented FA Administrators with the foundational knowledge needed to better understand how to “Maintaining Compliance in Non-Standard and Non-Term Program Environments” at the Massachusetts Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA) 2015 Conference.
Karyn is HEAG’s Vice President of Compliance & Quality Assurance. Her career spans more than 25 years as a Higher Education Professional, with expertise in areas affecting the compliant delivery of Federal Student Aid Programs.
Karyn Wright-Moore’s presentation: Maintaining Compliance in Non-Standard and Non-Term Program Environments