SunGard Higher Education has released the “2012-2013 Early Release for Banner Financial Aid, 8.12.1”. November is a great time to start updating and testing your systems for January 1st. Financial aid departments in November tend to have less student traffic, there are limited reports due and staff members begin to relax from the hustle of the fall semester. It is the perfect time to start planning for the next year.
The udpate is optional, but it will give you a head start for the New Year. The update includes:
- 2012-2013 CSS PROFILE Data Load
- 2012-2013 Institutional Need Analysis
- 2012-2013 Pell Payment Schedule
- 2012-2013 Estimated Federal Need Analysis provided with INAS from CSS
These are just a few of the updates. Please check the SunGard website for all updates that are included in the 8.12.1 release. If you need help with setting up your system, contact us at We would love to hear your comments on the release and if you have any suggestions. on how to prepare for the New Year set up!